Video Testimonials
Reversing Diabetes
My relatives all died from diabetes or the complications of the disease by the age of 57. I was on 4 diabetes medications including insulin when I started with Dr. Dunaief at age 55, but now I am on none. Plus. the numbness in my feet is gone and I am able to move my toes much better.

Male, age 60
Autoimmune disease - Lupus
I have had lupus for 17 years, but three plus years ago my rheumatologist took me off plaquenil. This feels wonderful that I don’t have to take the drug that suppresses my immune system. On recent checkup, she said everything looks fine and continue to hold the medication. This is thanks to lifestyle modifications that reduced my inflammation and increased my nutrient levels with Dr. Dunaief’s help. (Ironically, a medical study showed Lupus patients can’t be off their medications for more than 3 months) 

Female, age 70
Eczema, weight loss, reduced cravings and overall experience 
I am now free of cravings since focusing on a plant based nutrient rich diet. I don’t have to weigh my food or think about calories. My eczema has improved considerably, and I have lost 30 lbs., 26 lbs. of which were fat. I could not do this on my own and this is easy and enjoyable to talk about with Dr. Dunaief. Also, my back has not hurt for more than a year. Feels very good to follow the plan knowing that this is making a huge difference in my chemistry, energy and inflammation.

Female, age 71 
Weight loss, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cancer
I have lost 135 lbs. and have kept it off for several years with the guidance, recipes and encouragement that Dr. Dunaief has provided. Also, my inflammation is way down. This means I was able to stop my medications – plaquenil and methotrexate – for rheumatoid arthritis with no more pain and swelling in my joints. I can now move my fingers normally, and I no longer have morning stiffness. This is a surreal experience. I also have also reduced my CA125 by 10-fold to well within the normal range associated with my BRCA1 ovarian cancer. 

Female, age 59
Autoimmune disease 
Since being diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatic, an autoimmune disease, I have been unable to raise my arms laterally. The range of motion has improved by more than 90 percent - it’s night and day compared to when I began with Dr. Dunaief. The rheumatologist now says I am fit as a fiddle. I am very excited since being on the lifestyle changes for 2 months and noticing the differences. I dropped almost 2 pants sizes – the suit I purchased for my daughter’s sweet 16 about 14 years ago is now too large. And, I am sleeping much better. 

Male, age 57
Energy, inflammation, cholesterol, cataracts and weight
I have more energy and vitality. My inflammation has gone down. My cholesterol is under better control with a 75% reduction in my medication. My cataracts have improved dramatically with the ophthalmologist saying I needed surgery two years ago, but now no longer thinks so. This is a really great experience. I really enjoy working with Dr. Dunaief. I’m at my best weight in years, and I am not even trying. He is the best doctor I have ever had and the reason is that we are working together. When you feel like you have control over your health it makes a big difference. I’m really happy with my triglyceride levels as well. The cardiologist was so pleased with my progress on cardiovascular disease that he said I could see him half as frequently. 

Female, age 77
Autoimmune disease – Rheumatoid arthritis 
My morning stiffness has improved greatly. There were times at the beginning where it was several hours before I felt better. Now, I’m moving faster in the morning. Sometimes my toes bother me a little bit, but it goes away in 20 minutes. I am continuing to decrease my methotrexate, which thrills me! 

Female, age 57
High Blood pressure, seasonal allergies, increased energy, peripheral neuropathy, decreased cravings
Thanks to Dr. Dunaief’s guidance, my blood pressure is under control and I was able to discontinue my medication. I have a family history of heart attack with my father dying at 60. I love having more energy, and I have lost my taste for junk food. I can ride my bike more and it feels like less effort. I look forward to the appointments. I am finding it easier to eat more consciously, which is one of the great benefits of these visits. It keeps me on track with eating knowing I am coming here. Also, this is the first time in 30 years that I did not have to take medication during allergy season. It is fantastic. My peripheral neuropathy is improving and this is one of the main reasons I came to see him. I’m using an inversion table for spinal stenosis suggested by Dr. Dunaief, and when I get off table it feels amazingly good. 

Male, age 65
Weight loss
I like getting dressed, because my clothes fit well and I look nice. I can go to the store and buy something and don’t have to hide my gut. This is very uplifting experience. 

Female, age 70
You are my favorite doctor because you approach things looking at me as the whole person not just the numbers- I very much appreciate that!!!! 


Female, age 23
You make patients feel really comfortable. 

Female, age 74
Endocrine- elevated (abnormal) parathyroid functioning
The endocrinologist wanted me to have surgery to remove my parathyroid glands due to primary hyperparathyroidism, however, I am very happy and thankful that my parathyroid hormone levels returned to normal levels with the lifestyle changes. They had been substantially elevated. ” 

Female, age 64
Severe Migraine
It has been a great run for 6 weeks – nothing but stark improvement in migraine severity and duration in the last 2 months. I have only gotten low grade headaches, but was totally able to manage them with Tylenol. Before, I had migraine or residual postdrome almost every day of the month and used several prescription migraine medications. It’s been at least 5 years since I felt this good. I almost didn’t remember what it felt like to feel normal.” 

Male, age 46
Doing the happy dance about my cholesterol dropping 71 points to an optimal total cholesterol of 150 and the bad cholesterol, the LDL, dropping 58 points to optimal level by changing lifestyle. I am thrilled that I did better and dropped my triglycerides by over 100 pts. I never thought this would be possible. 

Female, age 70
I couldn’t believe it. My osteoporosis improved and I am a thin female of just 95 lbs. On DEXA scan, the bone density improved by 7%. My strontium was elevated with the plant based diet, which is another plus since it suggests that my bones are getting stronger. 

Female, age 69
Reflux or GERD
I Had GERD and with the smoothie and other lifestyle modifications, I was able to resolve the symptoms. I’m very happy about it. Whatever you gave me helped! 

Female, age 68
Diagnosis- Overall
Thank you- You helped my husband a few years ago – You were the first to diagnose him correctly with vascular dementia- related to heart disease- not Alzheimer’s, which other doctors thought he had until we met with you. I am already feeling better because your narratives and knowledge are reassuring. 

Female, age 75
High Blood pressure
I have been suffering from high blood pressure for years. Now the numbers are within the optimal ranges because of the changes in foods. The cardiologist in Florida said that I no longer need to be on blood pressure medications. 

Female, age 73
Reflux or GERD
My GI doc said my belly is much better. I’m not having rumbling in the stomach and do not have gastritis anymore. And the gastritis was really bad. I am no longer on proton pump inhibitors – I was taken off the medication by my GI doc. He was very impressed with the results from the lifestyle modifications. Do you know what a big thing that is?? That is huge! I was on the medications since 2003. 

Female, age 70
Prostate Cancer
I was diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer and choose active surveillance. Since then my PSA has improved dramatically. It started out at 5.56, which is high and now is 3.72, which is normal. I can’t wait to see it continue to improve. I am thrilled to be working with you. 

Male, age 48
What you do is reduce the vocabulary so it is understandable – all the professions have different lingo and you are very careful to avoid those pitfalls – when doctors start using the medical vocabulary my brain switches off – making it clear and giving understanding to the lay person like me is so important and effective. 

Male, age 74
Digestive issues, Gastrointestinal, Dermatology, Skin
“My digestive issues have been solved and my skin issues have improved significantly.” 

Female, age 22
Diabetes, Cholesterol
“It is scary to stop my diabetes medication, but a good scary, since my HbA1C is normal now. It means I am going in the right direction with my lifestyle changes. Also, my cholesterol improved by almost 40 points in a month to normal levels, so we are reducing my cholesterol medication by half. These results are all in a month. This is quite impressive!!! This was on the diet partially!! 

Female, age 74
Allergies, Dermatology
Last year at this time my whole body was covered hives. For years, I have been struggling with this each Fall from allergies, but thankfully, they are now gone and my inflammation has been cut in half. 

Female, age 35
Atrial Fibrillation, Cholesterol, Aging
I had been suffering with symptoms from atrial fibrillation. I would huff and puff when walking up the driveway or the stairs, because I was out of breath. This has improved dramatically. Now, I can go up and down stairs without heavy breathing, and I no longer have to pull myself up by the banister. It feels 110% better. I am so thrilled that I can even jog on the beach. I have not done that in years. Also, my cholesterol has improved so much so that I was told to stop my cholesterol medications, including the statin. The less I have to take the better. On Saturday, I will be 84 years old, but I feel like I’m 30. The changes to my diet made all the difference. 

Male, age 83
Constipation, Diarrhea, Stomach issues
I have had stomach issues for years, alternating between constipation and then diarrhea. I would have constipation for four painful days, then diarrhea. Since having a smoothie a day, my bowel movements have been regular and I’m not in pain. This is great! 

Female, age 81
Since starting with you, I can’t believe how the pounds have come off. This is wonderful. 

Female, age 77
Dr. Dunaeif is like a breath of fresh air in a time of health care turmoil. Instead of focusing on disease, this physician helps his patients take control of their own health. Using evidence based knowledge, Dr. Dunaief will help you make healthier choices. 

Male, Age 50
Chronic Kidney Disease, seasonal allergies and weight loss
People say I look a lot better and my cravings have gone down. Before, one of my other doctors threatened to fire me since I was deemed unmotivated. Now, I love handing that doctor the results from working with Dr. Dunaief. I have not been this weight for 25 years. This is huge. Also, I no longer have chronic kidney disease, and my allergies have improved so I no longer have to take antihistamines.

Male, Age 50
Diabetes, High Blood Pressure
My A1C has dropped dramatically, and I am officially no longer diabetic. This is excellent! I have also been off my blood pressure medications and statins for almost two years, and I feel absolutely great about that. I’m tickled pink to be off these medications and still my blood pressure is so well controlled. 

Female, age 62
Weight, Constipation, Memory, Heart disease, Atrial fibrillation
I feel so much better. My clothes are looser. I lost about 12 lbs. in the first month, and it keeps going down – so far, I’ve lost 42 lbs. I’ve also noticed my constipation has improved. I’m going once a day. Before, I would go once every 2-3 days, and sometimes four. I also wake up less often in the night to urinate. My memory also seems improved some and I’m confused less often. I feel like I have some verve!
My cardiologist also really likes the diet and says I’m doing really well. I don’t have to come back for my atrial fibrillation for six months, which is a nice change.
My health is better than it has been since I hit my 50s. I look over my history and say where the hell was I? I was so lucky to come across you!!! 

Male, age 70
GERD, Diabetes, Weight, High blood pressure
I feel like I have evolved. I am continuing to get better with the sugars and have lost 30 lbs. in this process. My pants size went from a 38 to a 33. I feel much better than did 3 years ago. I can get in and out of a Corvette like a kid! My endocrinologist just took me off another diabetes medication. I was on 5 diabetes medications and now I am on two and my sugar continues to go down. Plus, I am no longer on the reflux (GERD) medication and the blood pressure medication has been cut in half. You have brainwashed me; I could not be more pleased with the results. I am delighted that I am your patient. The quality of my life is much better than it was since I have been working with you. 

Male, age 71
Cataracts, Weight, Cholesterol
I am thrilled that I don’t need surgery for my cataracts. Two years ago, the ophthalmologist said I will need surgery soon, but I did not go back for two years. When I did, to my surprise, he said that the cataracts had cleared, and I don’t need surgery. I was only able to get to 20/30 vision for the last few years with glasses, but now I can get to 20/20 vision. Also, my weight has improved. I am so glad to see that I have broken the 160 lbs. mark for the first time in 40 years. I am very happy with that!
I am just so glad it is working, and this is not a hardship. My cholesterol also improved. I have suffered from heart disease, and this is the first time in 27 years that I don’t have to be on statin medications. The cardiologist was so impressed with my results that he told me to come back half as often. I am, also, very pleased with results of my triglycerides. They went down over 100 points. 


F, age 62
Weight loss, Fitness
I feel great. My fat percentage went down. I feel and look shredded, thanks to you. This stuff really works. When looking in the mirror, there is a noticeable difference which makes me feel great.

Male, age 19
Autoimmune (Sjogren’s), Hypothyroid-Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Cholesterol
This is so much better than being pumped with medicines for Sjogrens! I am feeling a lot better since starting the diet. I’m eating more veggies, and I did incorporate juicing. Also, my cholesterol has dropped to the normal range and all I can say is WOW. It feels good know that things are moving in the right direction. I’m very proud of the fact that I am working to change my lifestyle and seeing the results with lower inflammation, and better cholesterol and thyroid functioning. It is good to know that my immune system is under control. 

Male, age 70
Diabetes, Weight 
I had to stop the insulin because my blood sugar went down so much. He knows what he is talking about!!!! I love that fact that I lost weight. When I go to put on clothes and realize they have to be taken in, I’m so happy!!! I feel triumphant. A coworker said you look 10 years younger, and that is true motivation to help me continue. Thank you for putting up with me. 

Female, age 62
Diabetes, Weight loss, Arthritis
I feel so much better, my pants are no longer strangling my stomach - they are actually getting loose! I am going to have to buy new clothes. When we met, my waist was 50 inches. Now it is 42 inches, and people have noticed.
I am thrilled with this, and I have more energy since committing to lifestyle changes.
My HbA1C dropped has also dropped, and my glucose is now within range. You were right to push and prod me! My knees don’t bother me anymore. I can walk a lot longer, and my legs don’t get tired. It is amazing what food can do to your body. 
Thank you for helping me turn things around. I’ve learned a lot from you over the years.

Male, age 59
Chronic Pain
I used to need a lot more pain pills for my severe low back pain. Now, I’ve been able to reduce my oxycodone from high dose to low dose and from daily to once every other week. This is 3rd month in a row that the pain management physician has not needed to give me a prescription for more pain medication. He said he wished had more patients like this. 

Male, age 52
This is the first time in 20 years that my sugars are really good. This has really worked, and I appreciate it. 

Female, age 67
Diabetes and Autoimmune- Hypothyroid
I have been referred to as a “complex case” by numerous traditional physicians. In search of a more holistic approach, I began working with Dr. Dunaief in March of 2016. Despite being a Type-1 Diabetic of 13 years and having complicated thyroid issues, eating issues, chronic night sweats, and mental health issues, I was not turned away by Dr. Dunaief. He provided me with helpful consultations, meal plan suggestions, and blood work results on a regular basis. I am proud to say that within less than 18 months, I have: 1) reduced my insulin levels; 2) resolved my thyroid issues with an appropriate balance of medication; 3) eliminated my debilitating night sweats; and 4) partially revived the function of my pancreas—raising my insulin production numbers through effective nutrition. I am eternally grateful for the services Dr. Dunaief has provided me with, and I look forward to continuing to work with him.” 

Female, age 24
Weight loss and Increased Energy
I lost 22 lbs. of fat and I am no longer obese. I could tell especially in the back that the fat had gone down. I could not go to the gym before coming to Dr. Dunaief because I just did not have the energy. Now, I go to the gym three times a week, plus I ride the bike and jump on a trampoline, so I’m exercising 7 days a week. I feel so much younger. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired!!!!!

Female, age 78
Autoimmune- Rheumatoid Arthritis
I am doing really doing well with my rheumatoid arthritis. The swelling is down and the pain is diminished. Going to the gym used to be a trigger that made the rheumatoid arthritis worse, but no longer since I’ve been on a plant-based diet. I had smoothie hesitancy at first, and now I love the smoothies.

Female, age 50
Weight loss
I have lost a substantial amount of fat. Considering I have not been able to lose weight in at least 4 years, this is very exciting. I definitely feel it in my clothes. My belly has shrunk, I feel like this is huge. And I was amazed that it was not hard to do. I feel like I can do even better, which motivates me.

Female, age 41
Cholesterol and weight loss
I am a loser all around. I am very excited about reducing my cholesterol. I have not had such low levels of cholesterol since stopping the statin drugs years ago. Also, my sugars are down to normal and my uric acid is down. This is important because I have a history of gout attacks, I’m also excited that I am continuing to lose fat pounds.

Male, age 68
Autoimmune Lupus Nephritis
I am feeling good with more energy and definitely a lot less bloating. I don’t look as puffy, and I have not seen blood in my urine since changing my lifestyle. I was anxious all week before coming here and now I know my hard work has paid off. I am off all four of my lupus medications and my numbers have really improved. I’ve had lupus with kidney damage for 8 years and have been on many different medications. This is incredible that I see these changes in about 6 weeks.

Female, age 28